Add Ristretto255 Support
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
package com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.ristretto255
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.LibsodiumUtil
import kotlin.UByteArray
* Created by Johannes Leupold
* on 12-Aug-2024
const val crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES = 32
const val crypto_core_ristretto255_HASHBYTES = 64
const val crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES = 32
const val crypto_core_ristretto255_NONREDUCEDSCALARBYTES = 64
const val crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_BYTES = 32U
const val crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES = 32U
expect abstract class Ristretto255LowLevel() {
fun isValidPoint(encoded: UByteArray): Boolean
fun addPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun subtractPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun encodedPointFromHash(hash: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun randomEncodedPoint(): UByteArray
fun randomEncodedScalar(): UByteArray
fun invert(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun negate(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun complement(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun addScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun subtractScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun multiplyScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun reduce(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun scalarMultiplication(n: UByteArray, p: UByteArray): UByteArray
fun scalarMultiplicationBase(n: UByteArray): UByteArray
object Ristretto255 : Ristretto255LowLevel() {
fun add(p: Point, q: Point): Point =
Point(addPoints(p.encoded, q.encoded))
fun subtract(p: Point, q: Point): Point =
Point(subtractPoints(p.encoded, q.encoded))
fun pointFromHash(hash: UByteArray): Point = Point(encodedPointFromHash(hash))
fun randomPoint(): Point = Point(randomEncodedPoint())
fun randomScalar(): Scalar = Scalar(randomEncodedScalar())
fun invert(scalar: Scalar): Scalar =
fun negate(scalar: Scalar): Scalar =
fun complement(scalar: Scalar): Scalar =
fun add(x: Scalar, y: Scalar): Scalar =
Scalar(addScalars(x.encoded, y.encoded))
fun subtract(x: Scalar, y: Scalar): Scalar =
Scalar(subtractScalars(x.encoded, y.encoded))
fun multiply(x: Scalar, y: Scalar): Scalar =
Scalar(multiplyScalars(x.encoded, y.encoded))
fun reduce(scalar: Scalar): Scalar =
fun scalarMultiplication(p: Point, n: Scalar): Point =
Point(scalarMultiplication(n.encoded, p.encoded))
fun scalarMultiplicationBase(n: Scalar): Point =
data class Point(val encoded: UByteArray) {
operator fun plus(q: Point): Point = add(this, q)
operator fun minus(q: Point): Point = subtract(this, q)
operator fun times(n: Scalar): Point = scalarMultiplication(this, n)
fun toHex(): String = LibsodiumUtil.toHex(encoded)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other as? Point)?.encoded?.contentEquals(encoded) == true
override fun hashCode(): Int = encoded.contentHashCode()
companion object {
val IDENTITY: Point = Point(UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES))
val BASE: Point = scalarMultiplicationBase(Scalar.ONE)
fun fromHash(hash: UByteArray): Point = pointFromHash(hash)
fun random(): Point = randomPoint()
fun multiplyBase(n: Scalar): Point = scalarMultiplicationBase(n)
fun fromHex(hex: String): Point = Point(LibsodiumUtil.fromHex(hex))
data class Scalar(val encoded: UByteArray) {
operator fun plus(y: Scalar): Scalar = add(this, y)
operator fun plus(y: UInt): Scalar = this + fromUInt(y)
operator fun plus(y: ULong): Scalar = this + fromULong(y)
operator fun minus(y: Scalar): Scalar = subtract(this, y)
operator fun minus(y: UInt): Scalar = this - fromUInt(y)
operator fun minus(y: ULong): Scalar = this - fromULong(y)
operator fun times(y: Scalar): Scalar = multiply(this, y)
operator fun times(y: UInt): Scalar = this * fromUInt(y)
operator fun times(y: ULong): Scalar = this * fromULong(y)
operator fun div(y: Scalar): Scalar = multiply(this, invert(y))
operator fun div(y: UInt): Scalar = this / fromUInt(y)
operator fun div(y: ULong): Scalar = this / fromULong(y)
operator fun unaryMinus(): Scalar = negate(this)
operator fun times(p: Point): Point = scalarMultiplication(p, this)
fun reduce(): Scalar = reduce(this)
fun invert(): Scalar = invert(this)
fun complement(): Scalar = complement(this)
fun multiplyWithBase(): Point = scalarMultiplicationBase(this)
fun toHex(): String = LibsodiumUtil.toHex(encoded)
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean = (other as? Scalar)?.encoded?.contentEquals(encoded) == true
override fun hashCode(): Int = encoded.contentHashCode()
companion object {
val ZERO = fromUInt(0U)
val ONE = fromUInt(1U)
val TWO = fromUInt(2U)
fun random(): Scalar = randomScalar()
fun fromUInt(i: UInt): Scalar = fromULong(i.toULong())
fun fromULong(l: ULong): Scalar {
val encoded = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
var rem = l
for (i in 0..7) {
encoded[i] = (rem and 0xffU).toUByte()
rem = rem shr 8
return Scalar(encoded)
fun fromHex(hex: String): Scalar {
require(hex.length <= 2 * crypto_core_ristretto255_NONREDUCEDSCALARBYTES) {
"Scalars must be at most $crypto_core_ristretto255_NONREDUCEDSCALARBYTES bytes long"
if (hex.length > 2 * crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES) {
val encoded = LibsodiumUtil.fromHex(hex.padEnd(2 * crypto_core_ristretto255_NONREDUCEDSCALARBYTES, '0'))
// Scalars are encoded in little-endian order, so the end can be padded with zeroes up to the size of a
// non-reduced scalar. After decoding, it is reduced, to obtain a scalar in the canonical range
return Scalar(reduce(encoded))
} else {
val encoded = LibsodiumUtil.fromHex(hex.padEnd(2 * crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES, '0'))
// Scalars are encoded in little-endian order, so the end can be padded with zeroes up to the size of a
// scalar.
return Scalar(encoded)
@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
package com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.ristretto255
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.LibsodiumInitializer
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.hash.Hash
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.LibsodiumUtil
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.encodeToUByteArray
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.runTest
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertEquals
import kotlin.test.assertFalse
import kotlin.test.assertNotEquals
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
class Ristretto255Test {
// Test vectors from
val badEncodings = arrayOf(
// These are all bad because they're non-canonical field encodings.
// These are all bad because they're negative field elements.
// These are all bad because they give a non-square x^2.
// These are all bad because they give a negative xy value.
// This is s = -1, which causes y = 0.
// Test vectors from
val fromHashTestVectors = arrayOf(
"Ristretto is traditionally a short shot of espresso coffee" to "3066f82a1a747d45120d1740f14358531a8f04bbffe6a819f86dfe50f44a0a46",
"made with the normal amount of ground coffee but extracted with" to "f26e5b6f7d362d2d2a94c5d0e7602cb4773c95a2e5c31a64f133189fa76ed61b",
"about half the amount of water in the same amount of time" to "006ccd2a9e6867e6a2c5cea83d3302cc9de128dd2a9a57dd8ee7b9d7ffe02826",
"by using a finer grind." to "f8f0c87cf237953c5890aec3998169005dae3eca1fbb04548c635953c817f92a",
"This produces a concentrated shot of coffee per volume." to "ae81e7dedf20a497e10c304a765c1767a42d6e06029758d2d7e8ef7cc4c41179",
"Just pulling a normal shot short will produce a weaker shot" to "e2705652ff9f5e44d3e841bf1c251cf7dddb77d140870d1ab2ed64f1a9ce8628",
"and is not a Ristretto as some believe." to "80bd07262511cdde4863f8a7434cef696750681cb9510eea557088f76d9e5065",
// Test vectors from
val basePointSmallMultiples = arrayOf(
// This is the identity point
// This is the basepoint
// These are small multiples of the basepoint
fun testRandomPoint() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
val p = Ristretto255.Point.random()
val q = Ristretto255.Point.random()
val r = Ristretto255.Point.random()
assertNotEquals(p, q)
assertNotEquals(q, r)
assertNotEquals(r, p)
fun testPointHexConversion() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
repeat(10) {
val p = Ristretto255.Point.random()
assertEquals(p, Ristretto255.Point.fromHex(p.toHex()))
fun testIsValidPoint() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
for (hexEncoded in badEncodings) {
assertFalse { Ristretto255.isValidPoint(LibsodiumUtil.fromHex(hexEncoded)) }
for (hexEncoded in basePointSmallMultiples) {
assertTrue { Ristretto255.isValidPoint(LibsodiumUtil.fromHex(hexEncoded)) }
fun testPointArithmetic() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
for (i in basePointSmallMultiples.indices) {
val p = Ristretto255.Point.fromHex(basePointSmallMultiples[i])
val b = Ristretto255.Point.BASE
val n = Ristretto255.Scalar.fromUInt(i.toUInt())
assertEquals(p, Ristretto255.scalarMultiplicationBase(n))
assertEquals(p, Ristretto255.scalarMultiplication(b, n))
assertEquals(p, n.multiplyWithBase())
for (j in 0..<i) {
val q = Ristretto255.Point.fromHex(basePointSmallMultiples[j])
val m = Ristretto255.Scalar.fromUInt(i.toUInt() - j.toUInt())
assertEquals(p, q + b * m)
assertEquals(p, b * m + q)
assertEquals(q, p - b * m)
for (j in i..<basePointSmallMultiples.size) {
val q = Ristretto255.Point.fromHex(basePointSmallMultiples[j])
val m = Ristretto255.Scalar.fromUInt(j.toUInt() - i.toUInt())
assertEquals(q, p + b * m)
assertEquals(q, b * m + p)
assertEquals(p, q - b * m)
fun testPointFromHash() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
for ((input, output) in fromHashTestVectors) {
val outPoint = Ristretto255.Point.fromHex(output)
val hash = Hash.sha512(input.encodeToUByteArray())
assertEquals(outPoint, Ristretto255.pointFromHash(hash))
fun testRandomScalar() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
val x = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
val y = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
val z = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
assertNotEquals(x, y)
assertNotEquals(y, z)
assertNotEquals(z, x)
fun testScalarHexConversion() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
repeat(10) {
val p = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
assertEquals(p, Ristretto255.Scalar.fromHex(p.toHex()))
fun testScalarArithmetic() = runTest {
LibsodiumInitializer.initializeWithCallback {
repeat(10) {
val x = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
val y = Ristretto255.Scalar.random()
val xInv = x.invert()
val xComp = x.complement()
val xNeg = -x
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ZERO, x + xNeg)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ZERO, xNeg + x)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ZERO, x - x)
assertEquals(x, x + Ristretto255.Scalar.ZERO)
assertEquals(x, Ristretto255.Scalar.ZERO + x)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE, x + xComp)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE, xComp + x)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE, x * xInv)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE, xInv * x)
assertEquals(Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE, x / x)
assertEquals(x, x * Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE)
assertEquals(x, Ristretto255.Scalar.ONE * x)
assertEquals(y - x, y + xNeg)
assertEquals(y / x, y * xInv)
@ -363,5 +363,54 @@ external object JsSodiumInterface {
// ---- Scalar multiplication end ----
// ---- Scalar multiplication end ----
// ---- Ristretto255 ----
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point(p: Uint8Array): Boolean
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_random(): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(r: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_add(p: Uint8Array, q: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(p: Uint8Array, q: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_random(): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_reduce(s: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_invert(s: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_negate(s: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_complement(s: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_add(x: Uint8Array, y: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_sub(x: Uint8Array, y: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_mul(x: Uint8Array, y: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(n: Uint8Array, p: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
fun crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(n: Uint8Array): Uint8Array
// ---- Ristretto255 end ----
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
package com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.ristretto255
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.getSodium
actual abstract class Ristretto255LowLevel actual constructor() {
actual fun isValidPoint(encoded: UByteArray): Boolean =
actual fun addPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_add(p.toUint8Array(), q.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun subtractPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(p.toUint8Array(), q.toUint8Array())
return result
actual fun encodedPointFromHash(hash: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(hash.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun randomEncodedPoint(): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_random()
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun randomEncodedScalar(): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_random()
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun invert(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_invert(scalar.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun negate(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_negate(scalar.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun complement(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_complement(scalar.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun addScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_add(x.toUint8Array(), y.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun subtractScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_sub(x.toUint8Array(), y.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun multiplyScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_mul(x.toUint8Array(), y.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun reduce(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_reduce(scalar.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun scalarMultiplication(n: UByteArray, p: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(n.toUint8Array(), p.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
actual fun scalarMultiplicationBase(n: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = getSodium().crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(n.toUint8Array())
return result.toUByteArray()
@ -1293,4 +1293,40 @@ interface JnaLibsodiumInterface : Library {
fun crypto_scalarmult_base(q: ByteArray, b: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_scalarmult_base(q: ByteArray, b: ByteArray): Int
// // ---- Scalar multiplication end ----
// // ---- Scalar multiplication end ----
// // ---- Ristretto255 ----
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point(p: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_random(p: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(p: ByteArray, r: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_add(r: ByteArray, p: ByteArray, q: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(r: ByteArray, p: ByteArray, q: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_random(r: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_reduce(r: ByteArray, s: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_invert(recip: ByteArray, s: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_negate(neg: ByteArray, s: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_complement(comp: ByteArray, s: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_add(z: ByteArray, x: ByteArray, y: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_sub(z: ByteArray, x: ByteArray, y: ByteArray)
fun crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_mul(z: ByteArray, x: ByteArray, y: ByteArray)
fun crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(q: ByteArray, n: ByteArray, p: ByteArray): Int
fun crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(q: ByteArray, n: ByteArray): Int
// // ---- Ristretto255 end ----
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
package com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.ristretto255
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.GeneralLibsodiumException.Companion.ensureLibsodiumSuccess
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.LibsodiumInitializer.sodiumJna
import kotlin.UByteArray
actual abstract class Ristretto255LowLevel actual constructor() {
actual fun isValidPoint(encoded: UByteArray): Boolean =
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point(encoded.asByteArray()) == 1
actual fun addPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_add(result.asByteArray(), p.asByteArray(), q.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun subtractPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_sub(result.asByteArray(), p.asByteArray(), q.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun encodedPointFromHash(hash: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_from_hash(result.asByteArray(), hash.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun randomEncodedPoint(): UByteArray = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES).also {
actual fun randomEncodedScalar(): UByteArray = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES).also {
actual fun invert(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_invert(result.asByteArray(), scalar.asByteArray()).ensureLibsodiumSuccess()
return result
actual fun negate(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_negate(result.asByteArray(), scalar.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun complement(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_complement(result.asByteArray(), scalar.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun addScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_add(result.asByteArray(), x.asByteArray(), y.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun subtractScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_sub(result.asByteArray(), x.asByteArray(), y.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun multiplyScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_mul(result.asByteArray(), x.asByteArray(), y.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun reduce(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_core_ristretto255_scalar_reduce(result.asByteArray(), scalar.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun scalarMultiplication(n: UByteArray, p: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255(result.asByteArray(), n.asByteArray(), p.asByteArray())
return result
actual fun scalarMultiplicationBase(n: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
sodiumJna.crypto_scalarmult_ristretto255_base(result.asByteArray(), n.asByteArray())
return result
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.ristretto255
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.toPtr
actual abstract class Ristretto255LowLevel actual constructor() {
actual fun isValidPoint(encoded: UByteArray): Boolean {
return crypto_core_ristretto255_is_valid_point( == 1
actual fun addPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
return result
actual fun subtractPoints(p: UByteArray, q: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
return result
actual fun encodedPointFromHash(hash: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
return result
actual fun randomEncodedPoint(): UByteArray = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES).also {
actual fun randomEncodedScalar(): UByteArray = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES).also {
actual fun invert(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun negate(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun complement(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun addScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun subtractScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun multiplyScalars(x: UByteArray, y: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun reduce(scalar: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_SCALARBYTES)
return result
actual fun scalarMultiplication(n: UByteArray, p: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
return result
actual fun scalarMultiplicationBase(n: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(crypto_core_ristretto255_BYTES)
return result
Reference in New Issue
Block a user