Cleanup 1
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,15 +72,10 @@ interface AuthenticatedEncryption {
data class EncryptedDataPart(val data : UByteArray)
data class DecryptedDataPart(val data : UByteArray)
data class MultipartEncryptedDataDescriptor(val data: UByteArray, val nonce: UByteArray)
data class MultipartEncryptionHeader(val nonce: UByteArray)
class InvalidTagException : RuntimeException("Tag mismatch! Encrypted data is corrupted or tampered with.")
interface MultipartAuthenticatedVerification {
fun verifyPartialData(data: EncryptedDataPart)
fun finalizeVerificationAndPrepareDecryptor() : MultipartAuthenticatedDecryption
interface MultipartAuthenticatedDecryption {
fun decryptPartialData(data: EncryptedDataPart) : DecryptedDataPart
@ -171,32 +171,14 @@ object Crypto {
class MultipartAuthenticatedEncryptor internal constructor(val key : SymmetricKey, additionalData: UByteArray) : MultipartAuthenticatedEncryption {
val primitive = XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated(key.value, additionalData)
override fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray): EncryptedDataPart {
return EncryptedDataPart(primitive.encryptPartialData(data))
override fun finish(): MultipartEncryptedDataDescriptor {
val finished = primitive.finishEncryption()
return MultipartEncryptedDataDescriptor(finished.first, finished.second)
return EncryptedDataPart(primitive.encrypt(data))
class MultiplatformAuthenticatedVerificator internal constructor(key: SymmetricKey, multipartEncryptedDataDescriptor: MultipartEncryptedDataDescriptor, additionalData: UByteArray) : MultipartAuthenticatedVerification {
val primitive = XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated(key.value, additionalData)
val tag =
|||| - 16 until
override fun verifyPartialData(data: EncryptedDataPart) {
override fun finalizeVerificationAndPrepareDecryptor(): MultipartAuthenticatedDecryption {
return MultipartAuthenticatedDecryptor(primitive)
class MultipartAuthenticatedDecryptor internal constructor(val encryptor: XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated) : MultipartAuthenticatedDecryption {
override fun decryptPartialData(data: EncryptedDataPart): DecryptedDataPart {
@ -13,11 +13,9 @@ expect class XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated constructor(key: UByteArray, additionalD
fun decrypt(key: UByteArray, nonce: UByteArray, ciphertext: UByteArray, additionalData: UByteArray) : UByteArray
fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray) : UByteArray
fun verifyPartialData(data: UByteArray)
fun checkTag(expectedTag: UByteArray)
fun encrypt(data: UByteArray) : UByteArray
fun decrypt(data: UByteArray) : UByteArray
fun finishEncryption() : Pair<UByteArray, UByteArray>
@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.CryptoInitializerDelegated
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.hash.encodeToUByteArray
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.hexColumsPrint
import com.ionspin.kotlin.crypto.util.testBlocking
import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
import kotlin.test.Ignore
import kotlin.test.Test
import kotlin.test.assertTrue
@ -145,7 +143,7 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Test {
0xcfU, 0x49U
val xChaChaPoly = XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated(key, additionalData)
val firstChunk = xChaChaPoly.encryptPartialData(message)
val firstChunk = xChaChaPoly.encrypt(message)
val finalChunk = xChaChaPoly.finishEncryption().first
val result = firstChunk + finalChunk
@ -176,7 +174,7 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Test {
0x84U, 0x6fU, 0xfcU, 0x75U, 0x31U, 0xbfU, 0x0cU, 0x2dU
val xChaChaPoly = XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated(key, additionalData)
val firstChunk = xChaChaPoly.encryptPartialData(message)
val firstChunk = xChaChaPoly.encrypt(message)
val finalChunk = xChaChaPoly.finishEncryption().first
val result = firstChunk + finalChunk
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ actual class XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated actual constructor(key: UByteArray, addi
actual fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
actual fun encrypt(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
TODO("not implemented yet")
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ actual class XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated actual constructor(key: UByteArray, addi
actual fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
actual fun encrypt(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
TODO("not implemented yet")
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ actual class XChaCha20Poly1305Delegated actual constructor(val key: UByteArray,v
actual fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
actual fun encrypt(data: UByteArray): UByteArray {
val ciphertextWithTag = UByteArray(data.size + crypto_secretstream_xchacha20poly1305_ABYTES.toInt())
val ciphertextWithTagPinned =
@ -69,49 +69,12 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Pure(val key: UByteArray, val nonce: UByteArray) {
private val updateableEncryptionPrimitive = XChaCha20Pure(key, nonce, initialCounter = 1U)
private val updateableMacPrimitive : Poly1305
private val polyBuffer = UByteArray(16)
private var polyBufferByteCounter = 0
private var processedBytes = 0
init {
val subKey = XChaCha20Pure.hChacha(key, nonce)
val authKey =
ubyteArrayOf(0U, 0U, 0U, 0U) + nonce.sliceArray(16 until 24),
UByteArray(64) { 0U },
0U // If this is moved as a default parameter in encrypt, and not here (in 1.4-M2)
// js compiler dies with: e: java.lang.NullPointerException
// at$visitConst$1$3.invoke(ConstLowering.kt:28)
// at
updateableMacPrimitive = Poly1305(authKey)
// val additionalDataPad = UByteArray(16 - additionalData.size % 16) { 0U }
// processPolyBytes(additionalData + additionalDataPad)
// Sketch libsodium stream cipher with chachapoly, because my two pass approach to multipart encryption is
// inneficient, to put it mildly.
// libsodium-like state
// key, 32 Bytes
// nonce, 12 Bytes
// pad, 8 bytes
//libsodium like header
//random header bytes 24 and put that into out
//then hchacha20 of key and random bytes (out) to generate state key
//the reset counter to 1
//then copy to state->NONCE, HCHACHAINPUTBYTES (16B) from out, length of INONCE_BYTES which is 8, which uses up all random from previous step
//Pad state with 8B of zeroes
//header is a 24byte nonce
internal val calcKey : UByteArray = UByteArray(32)
internal val calcNonce : UByteArray = UByteArray(12)
@ -131,117 +94,39 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Pure(val key: UByteArray, val nonce: UByteArray) {
fun encryptPartial(data: UByteArray, additionalData: UByteArray = ubyteArrayOf(), tag : UByte = 0U) : UByteArray {
fun streamEncrypt(data: UByteArray, additionalData: UByteArray = ubyteArrayOf(), tag : UByte = 0U) : UByteArray {
val result = UByteArray(1 + data.size + 16) //Tag marker, ciphertext, mac
//get encryption state
val block = UByteArray(64) { 0U }
ChaCha20Pure.xorWithKeystream(calcKey, calcNonce, block, 0U).copyInto(block) // This is equivalent to the first 64 bytes of keystream
5C 9A C3 7B CA 8F 2B 12 9A D8 41 3B 0C E9 55 EF
25 27 9A 4B 5B 7F 87 75 0C 47 E9 C9 DE 82 44 BA
6C 51 48 F4 9C 0A 24 6B F2 7C 51 5E 62 1A 16 E1
28 23 C6 B5 12 2E AD 58 AD 51 AA 34 78 33 08 C9
val poly1305 = Poly1305(block)
if (additionalData.isNotEmpty()) {
val additionalDataPadded = additionalData + UByteArray(16 - additionalData.size % 16) { 0U }
processPolyBytes(poly1305, additionalDataPadded)
block[0] = tag
ChaCha20Pure.xorWithKeystream(calcKey, calcNonce, block, 1U).copyInto(block) // This just xors block[0] with keystream
processPolyBytes(poly1305, block) // but updates the mac with the full block!
// println("--poly 1")
// 13 10 8E D1 3C B9 77 C1 9B 95 66 C8 1B 8A 5D D3
// poly1305.finalizeMac().hexColumsPrint()
// println("--poly 1")
// In libsodium c code, it now sets the first byte to be a tag, we'll just save it for now
val encryptedTag = block[0]
//And then encrypt the rest of the message
val ciphertext = ChaCha20Pure.xorWithKeystream(calcKey, calcNonce, data, 2U) // With appropriate counter
D3 2D 59 B8 C4 66 2E 47 29 C6 F9 93 4B 09 27 24
DD F3 05 48 94 67 10 00 21 85 22 96 3C CE 8E B7
53 9D 46 F5 3C 5E 48 9B 8C 13 B7 28 6B B3 6C 3A
04 B7 25 B9 50 45 08 0B 89 A2 0F 70 CC 60 1B C3
17 35 9F AE 82 51 43 1B 9D 53 9E E2 AF 20 1F FD
03 59 11 51 9E AC 83 CD 78 D1 D0 E5 D7 0E 41 DE
FB 5C 7F 1C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(ciphertext + UByteArray(((16 - 64 + data.size) % 16)) { 0U }).hexColumsPrint()
println("pad: ${16 - ((data.size) % 16)}")
println("pad: ${((16U + data.size.toUInt() - block.size.toUInt()) % 16U).toInt()}")
// Next we update the poly1305 with ciphertext and padding, BUT the padding in libsodium is not correctly calculated, so it doesn't
// pad correctly.
// We want to use libsodium in delegated flavour, so we will use the same incorrect padding here.
// From security standpoint there are no obvious drawbacks, as padding was initially added to decrease implementation complexity.
processPolyBytes(poly1305, ciphertext + UByteArray(((16U + data.size.toUInt() - block.size.toUInt()) % 16U).toInt()) { 0U } ) //TODO this is inefficient as it creates a new array and copies data
// println("--poly cipher")
// 93 D9 13 DC AB 1D 07 D7 51 03 17 85 8A 5C F0 84
// poly1305.finalizeMac().hexColumsPrint()
// println("--poly cipher")
// Last 16byte block containing actual additional data nad ciphertext sizes
val finalMac = additionalData.size.toULong().toLittleEndianUByteArray() + (ciphertext.size + 64).toULong().toLittleEndianUByteArray()
processPolyBytes(poly1305, finalMac)
val mac = poly1305.finalizeMac(polyBuffer.sliceArray(0 until polyBufferByteCounter))
//19 F3 39 CC DE 82 35 08 C1 82 DB 3D F1 EF 89 45
println("poly final --")
println("poly final --")
return ubyteArrayOf(encryptedTag) + ciphertext + mac
// Sketch end
fun streamDecrypt(data: UByteArray, additionalData: UByteArray = ubyteArrayOf(), tag: UBy)
fun encryptPartialData(data: UByteArray) : UByteArray {
processedBytes += data.size
val encrypted = updateableEncryptionPrimitive.xorWithKeystream(data)
// processPolyBytes(encrypted)
val cipherTextPad = UByteArray(16 - processedBytes % 16) { 0U }
val macData = cipherTextPad +
// additionalData.size.toULong().toLittleEndianUByteArray() +
// processPolyBytes(macData)
val tag = updateableMacPrimitive.finalizeMac()
return encrypted + tag
fun verifyPartialData(data: UByteArray) {
// processPolyBytes(data)
fun checkTag(expectedTag: UByteArray) {
val cipherTextPad = UByteArray(16 - processedBytes % 16) { 0U }
val macData = cipherTextPad +
// additionalData.size.toULong().toLittleEndianUByteArray() +
// processPolyBytes(macData)
val tag = updateableMacPrimitive.finalizeMac()
if (!tag.contentEquals(expectedTag)) {
throw InvalidTagException()
fun decrypt(data: UByteArray) : UByteArray {
processedBytes += data.size
val decrypted = updateableEncryptionPrimitive.xorWithKeystream(data)
// processPolyBytes(decrypted)
return decrypted
private fun processPolyBytes(updateableMacPrimitive: Poly1305, data: UByteArray) {
if (polyBufferByteCounter == 0) {
@ -284,16 +169,5 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Pure(val key: UByteArray, val nonce: UByteArray) {
fun finishEncryption() : Pair<UByteArray, UByteArray> {
val cipherTextPad = UByteArray(16 - processedBytes % 16) { 0U }
val macData = cipherTextPad +
// additionalData.size.toULong().toLittleEndianUByteArray() +
// processPolyBytes(macData)
val tag = updateableMacPrimitive.finalizeMac()
return Pair(tag, nonce)
@ -207,6 +207,6 @@ class XChaCha20Poly1305Test {
xcha.calcNonce.contentEquals(state.sliceArray(32 until 44))
val data = UByteArray(100) { 0U }
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