2. Pure/Delegated kotlin multiplatform crypto library written from scratch in pure kotlin/delegated to libsodium. [Link to project readme](https://github.com/ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-crypto/blob/master/multiplatform-crypto-api/README.md)
This readme represents the libsodium bindings project
# Libsodium bindings for Kotiln Multiplatform
Libsodium bindings project uses libsodium c sources, libsodium.js as well as LazySodium Java and Android to provide a kotlin multiplatform wrapper library for libsodium.
The libsodium binding library is not published yet, once the sample showing the basic usage is ready, the library will be published. You can track the implementation
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(decrypted, ciphertext, CIPHERTEXT_LEN, nonce, key) != 0) {
/* message forged! */
val message = ("Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99: If I could offer you " +
"only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.").encodeToUByteArray()
val key = LibsodiumRandom.buf(32)
val nonce = LibsodiumRandom.buf(24)
val encrypted = SecretBox.easy(message, nonce, key)
val decrypted = SecretBox.openEasy(encrypted, nonce, key)
If message cannot be verified, `openEasy` function will throw a `SecretBoxCorruptedOrTamperedDataExceptionOrInvalidKey`
In some cases libsodium C api returns two values, usually encrypted data and a autogenerated nonce. In situations like
those, kotlin API returns a data class wrapping both objects. An example of this behavior is initializing the secret stream, where initialization funciton returns both the header and state:
- LobsodiumUtil `unpad` and `fromBase64` native implementations use a nasty hack to support shared native sourceset. The hack either needs to be removed and replaced with another solution or additional safeguards need to be added.