2. Pure/Delegated kotlin multiplatform crypto library written from scratch in pure form. [Link to project readme](https://github.com/ionspin/kotlin-multiplatform-crypto/blob/master/multiplatform-crypto-api/README.md)
This readme represents the libsodium bindings project
# Libsodium bindings for Kotiln Multiplatform
Libsodium bindings project uses libsodium c sources, libsodium.js as well as LazySodium Java and Android to provide a kotlin multiplatform wrapper library for libsodium.
## Installation
The libsodium binding library is not published yet as it is still missing several features, you can track the
if (crypto_secretbox_open_easy(decrypted, ciphertext, CIPHERTEXT_LEN, nonce, key) != 0) {
/* message forged! */
val message = ("Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of '99: If I could offer you " +
"only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.").encodeToUByteArray()
val key = LibsodiumRandom.buf(32)
val nonce = LibsodiumRandom.buf(24)
val encrypted = SecretBox.easy(message, nonce, key)
val decrypted = SecretBox.openEasy(encrypted, nonce, key)
If message cannot be verified, `openEasy` function will throw a `SecretBoxCorruptedOrTamperedDataExceptionOrInvalidKey`
In some cases libsodium C api returns two values, usually encrypted data and a autogenerated nonce. In situations like
those, kotlin API returns a data class wrapping both objects. An example of this behavior is initializing the secret stream, where initialization funciton returns both the header and state: