
11 KiB


Recommended version is 0.3.3: to keep the code compatible with current and further versions we ask to upgrade to 0.3.2 at least. Starting from this version some pacakage names are changed for better clarity and fast UDP endpoints are added.

The new generation of PARanoid SECurity protocol, advanced, faster, more secure. It also allows connecting any " block device" transport to the same local interface. Out if the box it provides the following transports:

name JVM JS native
TCP/IP server 0.2.6+
TCP/IP client 0.2.6+
UDP server 0.3.2+ 0.3.2+
UDP client 0.3.2+ 0.3.2+
Websock server
Websock client

Note on version compatibility

Protocols >= 0.3.0 are not binary compatible with previous version due to more compact binary format. The format from 0.3.0 onwards is supposed to keep compatible.

Supported native targets

  • iosArm64, iosX64
  • macosArm64, macosArm64
  • linuxArm64, linuxX64

Non-native targets

  • JS (browser and nodeJS)
  • JVM (android, macos, windows, linx, everywhere where JRE is installed)

TCP/IP transport

It is the fastest based on async socket implementation of ktor client. It works everywhere but JS target as there is currently no widely adopted sockets for browser javascript.

Websock server

While it is much slower than pure TCP, it is still faster than any http-based transport. It uses binary frames based on the Ktor server framework to easily integrate with web services. We recommend using it instead of a classic HTTP API as it beats it in terms of speed and server load even with HTTP/2.

We recommend to create the KiloInterface<S> instance and connect it to the websock and tcp servers in real applications to get easy access from anywhere.


The library should be used as maven dependency, not as source.

Adding dependency

Declare maven repository:

Add the private repository to your build.gradle.kts, like:

repositories {

Add dependency block

It could be, depending on your project structure, something like:

val commonMain by getting {
    dependencies {

Create shared interface for your server and the client

It could be a multiplatform library that exports it or just a shared or copied source file declaring structures and functions available, like:

// Api.kt

class FooArgs(val text: String, val number: Int = 42)

// Server-side interface
val cmdSetFoo by command<FooArgs, Unit>()
val cmdGetFoo by command<Unit, FooArgs>()
val cmdPing by command<String, String>()
val cmdCheckConnected by command<Unit, Boolean>()

// client-side interface (called from the server)
val cmdPushClient by command<String, Unit>()

Call it from the client:

Remember, we need to implement client interface cmdPushClient in our example, so we need to provide local interace too:

// Unit: no session on the client:
val client = websocketClient<Unit>("wss://") {
    // This is server-callable function we export:
    on(cmdPushClient) {
        "server push: $it"

// If we want to collect connected state changes (this is optional)
launch {
    client.connectedStateFlow.collect {
        if (it)
            println("I am connected")
            println("trying to connect...")

// now we can call server's functions, FooArgs("bar", 117))
assertEquals(FooArgs("bar", 117),

Create ktor-based server

Normally server side needs some session. It is convenient and avoid sending repeating data on each request speeding up the protocol. With KILOPARSEC it is rather basic operation:

// Our session just keeps Foo for cmd{Get|Set}Foo:
data class Session(var fooState: FooArgs? = null)

// Let's now provide interface we export, it will be used on each connection automatically:

// Note server interface uses Session:
val serverInterface = KiloInterface<Session>().apply {
    onConnected {
        // Do some initialization
        session.fooState = null
    // Exceptions are passed through the network and re-created (re-thrown) on other side:
    on(cmdGetFoo) { session.fooState ?: throw IllegalStateException("foo is not yet set") }
    on(cmdSetFoo) { session.fooState = it }

// now create server using ktor (see ktor project for more):

val ns: NettyApplicationEngine = embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "", module = {
    setupWebsocketServer(serverInterface) { Session() }
}).start(wait = false)

Create TCP/IP client and server

Using plain TCP/IP is even simpler, and it works way faster than websocket one, and is _the same protected as wss:// (and ws://) variant above due to same kiloparsec encryption in both cases. Still, a TCP/IP client is not available in Javascript browser targets and custom TCP ports could often be blocked by firewalls.

Documentation is available in samples here:

In short, there are two functions that implements asynchronous TCP/IP transport on all platforms buy JS:

UDP client and server

Is very much straightforward, same as with TCP/IP:

UDP specifics

Command size

Each command invocation and result are packed in a separate UDP diagram using effective binary packing. Thus for the best results commands and results should be relatively short, best to fit into 240 bytes. While bigger datagrams are often transmitted successfully, the probability of the effective transmission drops with the size.

Kiloparsec UDP transport does not retransmits not delivered packets. Use TCP/IP or websocket if it is a concern.

For the best results we recommend using push for remote interfaces with UDP.


As Datagrams do not form protocol itself, kiloparsec issues pings when no data is circulated between parties. When no pings are received long enough, kiloparsec connection is closed. There are maxInactivityTimeout in all relevant functions and constructors.

Client shoudl not issue pings manually.

Reusing code between servers

The same instance of the KiloInterface could easily be reused with all instances of servers with different protocols.

This is a common proactive to create a business logic in a KiloInterface, then create a TCP/IP and Websocket servers passing the same instance of the logic to both.

Note on the server identification

We do not recommend to rely on TLS (HTTPS://, WSS://) host identification solely, in the modern world there is a high probability of attacks on unfriendly (in respect to at least some of your users) states to the SSL certificates chain, in which case the MITM and spoofing will be undetected. Check the remoteId in your client on each connection and provide the safe serverSecretKey when creating a server.

This will effectively protetcs against certificate chain spoofing in the case of the application installed from the trusted source.

Important note. The web application could not be completely secured this way unless is loaded from the IP-address, as the DNS could be spoofed the same, especially when used with Cloudflare or other CDN that can transparently substitute the whole site. In the case of we applications we strongly recommend not to use CDN except your own where you can control actual traffic rules.

See also:


It is not compatible with parsec family and no more based on an Universa crypto library. To better fit the modern state of threats and rate of cyber crimes, KiloParsec uses more encryption and random key exchange on each and every connection (while parsec caches session keys to avoid time-consuming keys exchange). For the same reason, keys cryptography for session is shifted to use ed25519 curves which are supposed to provide agreeable strength with enough speed to protect every connection with a unique new keys. Also, we completely get rid of SHA2.

Kiloparsec also uses a denser binary format bipack, no more key-values, which reveals much less on the inner data structure, providing advanced typed RPC interfaces with kotlinx.serialization. There is also Rust implementation bipack_ru. The architecture allows connecting same functional interfaces to several various type channels at once.

Also, the difference from parsecs is that there are no more unencrypted layer commands available to users. All RPC is performed over the encrypted connection.

Technical description

Kiloparsec is a dull-duplex fully async (coroutine based) Remote Procedure Call protocol with typed parameters and support for serializing exceptions (e.g. exception thrown while executing remote command will be caught and rethrown at the caller context).

Kiloparsec is not REST, it has advanced session mechanisms and built-in authentication based on the same curve keys. Integrated tools to prevent MITM attacks include also non-transferred independently generated token that is calculated independently on the ends and is never transferred with the network. Comparing it somehow (visually, with QR code, etc) could add a very robust guarantee of the connection safety and ingenuity.

Kiloparsec has built-in completely asynchronous (coroutine based top-down) transport layer based on TCP (JVM only as for now) and the same async Websocket-based transport based on KTOR. Websocket client is multiplatform, though the server is JVM only insofar.


Currently, you need to obtain a license from or Sergey Chernov.