# Kotlin Multiplatform Crypto Library Kotlin Multiplatform Crypto is a library for various cryptographic applications. This is an extremely early release, currently only consisting of Blake2b and SHA256 and 512. ## Notes & Roadmap **The API will move fast and break often until v1.0** Tenative plan is to add 25519 curve based signing and key exchange next. ## Should I use this in production? No, it's untested and unproven. ## Integration #### Gradle ```kotlin implementation("com.ionspin.kotlin:crypto:0.0.1") ``` #### Snapshot builds ```kotlin repositories { maven { url = uri("https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots") } } implementation("com.ionspin.kotlin:crypto:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT") ``` ## Usage To be continued...