0.3.1 release: async pushes and better binary format
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.4">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.4.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jsMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.5">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.5.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jsMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.5-SNAPSHOT">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.5-SNAPSHOT.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jsMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.6">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-js-0.2.6.jar" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-js-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-js-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jsMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.4">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.4.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jvmMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.5">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.5.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jvmMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.5-SNAPSHOT">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.5-SNAPSHOT.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jvmMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.6">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.2.6.jar" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<component name="ArtifactManager">
<artifact type="jar" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT">
<root id="archive" name="kiloparsec-jvm-0.3.1-SNAPSHOT.jar">
<element id="module-output" name="kiloparsec.jvmMain" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ScalaCompilerConfiguration">
<option name="separateProdTestSources" value="false" />
@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
# Kiloparsec
__Recommended version is `0.3.1`: to keep the code compatible with current and further versions we
ask to upgrade to `0.3.1` at least.__
The new generation of __PARanoid SECurity__ protocol, advanced, faster, more secure. It also allows connecting any "
block device" transport to the same local interface. Out if the box it
provides the following transports:
| name | JVM | JS | native |
| TCP/IP server | ✓ | | β @0.2.6 |
| TCP/IP client | ✓ | | β @0.2.6 |
| TCP/IP server | ✓ | | >= 0.2.6 |
| TCP/IP client | ✓ | | >= @0.2.6 |
| Websock server | ✓ | | |
| Websock client | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
### Note on version compatibility
Protocols >= 0.3.0 are not binary compatible with previous version due to more compact binary
format. The format from 0.3.0 onwards is supposed to keep compatible.
### Supported native targets
- iosArm64, iosX64
@ -59,7 +67,7 @@ It could be, depending on your project structure, something like:
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
@ -118,7 +126,7 @@ assertEquals(FooArgs("bar", 117), client.call(cmdGetFoo))
## Create ktor-based server
Normally server side needs some session. It is convenient and avoid sending repeating data on each request speeding up
the protocol. With KILOPARSEC it is rather basic operation:\
the protocol. With KILOPARSEC it is rather basic operation:
// Our session just keeps Foo for cmd{Get|Set}Foo:
@ -143,9 +151,32 @@ val ns: NettyApplicationEngine = embeddedServer(Netty, port = 8080, host = "0.0.
setupWebsocketServer(serverInterface) { Session() }
}).start(wait = false)
### TCP/IP client and server
Using plain TCP/IP is even simpler, and it works way faster than websocket one, and is _the same
protected as `wss://` variant abovve due to same kiloparsec encryption in both cases. Still, a TCP/IP
client is not available in Javascript browser targets and custom TCP ports could often be blocked by firewalls.
Documentation is available in samples here:
- [TCP/IP server creation](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/kiloparsec/net.sergeych.kiloparsec/-kilo-server/index.html)
- [TCP/IP client](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/kiloparsec/net.sergeych.kiloparsec/-kilo-client/index.html)
In short, there are two functions that implements aysnchronous TCP/IP transport on all platforms buy JS:
- [acceptTcpDevice](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/kiloparsec/net.sergeych.kiloparsec.adapter/accept-tcp-device.html?query=fun%20acceptTcpDevice(port:%20Int):%20Flow%3CInetTransportDevice%3E) to create a server
- [connectTcpDevice](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/kiloparsec/net.sergeych.kiloparsec.adapter/connect-tcp-device.html) to connect to the server
### Reusing code between servers
The same instance of the [KiloInterface](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/kiloparsec/net.sergeych.kiloparsec/-kilo-interface/index.html?query=open%20class%20KiloInterface%3CS%3E%20:%20LocalInterface%3CKiloScope%3CS%3E%3E) could easily be reused with all instances of servers with different protocols.
This is a common proactive to create a business logic in a `KiloInterface`, then create a TCP/IP and Websocket servers passing the same instance of the logic to both.
## See also:
- [Source documentation](https://code.sergeych.net/docs/kiloparsec/)
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ plugins {
group = "net.sergeych"
version = "0.2.6"
version = "0.3.1"
repositories {
@ -19,6 +19,11 @@ inline fun <reified A, reified R> command(overrideName: String? = null): Command
* Declare a Push: Unit-returning command usually used with [RemoteInterface.push]
inline fun <reified A> push(overrideName: String? = null): CommandDelegate<A, Unit> = command(overrideName)
* Delegate to create [Command] via property
@ -17,10 +17,33 @@ import net.sergeych.mp_logger.exception
import net.sergeych.mp_tools.globalLaunch
* The auto-connecting client that reconnects to the kiloparsec server
* The auto-connecting client that reconnects to the kiloparsec server,
* [KiloServer],
* and maintain connection state flow. Client factory launches a disconnected
* set of coroutines to support automatic reconnection, so you _must_ [close]
* it manually when it is not needed, otherwise it will continue to reconnect.
* it manually when it is unnecessary, otherwise it will continue to reconnect.
* ## Usage
* Suppose we have TCP/IP server as in the [KiloServer] usage sample. Then we can connect
* to it providing TCP/IP connector like:
* ```kotlin
* val client = KiloClient<Unit>() {
* connect { connectTcpDevice("localhost:$port") }
* }
* // now we can invoke remote commands:
* assertEquals("unknown", client.call(cmdLoad))
* client.call(cmdSave, "foobar")
* assertEquals("foobar", client.call(cmdLoad))
* ```
* ## See also
* [KiloServer]
class KiloClient<S>(
val localInterface: KiloInterface<S>,
@ -28,7 +51,6 @@ class KiloClient<S>(
connectionDataFactory: ConnectionDataFactory<S>,
) : RemoteInterface,
Loggable by LogTag("CLIF") {
val _state = MutableStateFlow(false)
@ -94,6 +116,15 @@ class KiloClient<S>(
throw t
override suspend fun <A> push(cmd: Command<A, Unit>, args: A) {
try {
deferredClient.await().push(cmd, args)
} catch (t: RemoteInterface.ClosedException) {
throw t
* Current session token. This is a per-connection unique random value same on the client and server part so
* it could be used as a nonce to pair MITM and like attacks, be sure that the server is actually
@ -100,4 +100,8 @@ class KiloClientConnection<S>(
suspend fun token() = deferredParams.await().token
override suspend fun <A, R> call(cmd: Command<A, R>, args: A): R =
kiloRemoteInterface.await().call(cmd, args)
override suspend fun <A> push(cmd: Command<A, Unit>, args: A) {
kiloRemoteInterface.await().push(cmd, args)
@ -4,7 +4,13 @@ package net.sergeych.kiloparsec
* The local interface to provide functions, register errors for Kiloparsec users. Use it
* with [KiloClient], [KiloClientConnection], [KiloServerConnection], etc.
* BAse implementation registers relevant exceptions.
* Base class implementation does the following:
* - It registers common exceptions from [RemoteInterface] and kotlin/java `IllegalArgumentException` and
* `IllegalStateException`
* - It provides [onConnected] handler
* See [KiloServer] for usage sample.
open class KiloInterface<S> : LocalInterface<KiloScope<S>>() {
@ -35,5 +35,10 @@ class KiloRemoteInterface<S>(
else -> throw RemoteInterface.Exception("unexpected block type: $block")
override suspend fun <A> push(cmd: Command<A, Unit>, args: A) {
val params = deferredParams.await()
params.transport.call(L0Call, params.encrypt(cmd.packCall(args)))
@ -91,6 +91,9 @@ private val instances = AtomicCounter()
* Session("unknown")
* }
* ```
* See [KiloClient] to connect to the server.
* @param S the type of the server session object, returned by [sessionBuilder]. See above
* @param clientInterface the interface available for remote calls
* @param connections flow of incoming connections. Server stops when the flow is fully collected (normally
@ -94,4 +94,8 @@ class KiloServerConnection<S>(
override suspend fun <A, R> call(cmd: Command<A, R>, args: A): R {
return kiloRemoteInterface.await().call(cmd, args)
override suspend fun <A> push(cmd: Command<A, Unit>, args: A) {
kiloRemoteInterface.await().push(cmd, args)
@ -50,4 +50,18 @@ interface RemoteInterface {
* Call the remote procedure with specified args and return its result
suspend fun <A, R> call(cmd: Command<A, R>, args: A): R
* Push the notification without waiting for reception or processing.
* It returns immediately after sending data to the transport (e.g., to the network).
* Use [call] if it is necessary to wait until the command will be received and processed by the remote.
suspend fun <A> push(cmd: Command<A, Unit>, args: A)
* Push the command with no args.
* It returns immediately after sending data to the transport (e.g., to the network).
* Use [call] if it is necessary to wait until the command will be received and processed by the remote.
suspend fun push(cmd: Command<Unit,Unit>) = push(cmd,Unit)
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import kotlinx.serialization.descriptors.SerialDescriptor
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Decoder
import kotlinx.serialization.encoding.Encoder
import kotlinx.serialization.serializer
import net.sergeych.bipack.Unsigned
import net.sergeych.crypto2.toDump
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.Transport.Device
import net.sergeych.mp_logger.*
@ -63,7 +64,12 @@ class Transport<S>(
sealed class Block {
data class Call(val id: UInt, val name: String, val packedArgs: UByteArray) : Block() {
data class Call(
val id: UInt,
val name: String,
val packedArgs: UByteArray
) : Block() {
override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
if (this === other) return true
if (other !is Call) return false
@ -83,10 +89,10 @@ class Transport<S>(
data class Response(val forId: UInt, val packedResult: UByteArray) : Block()
data class Response(@Unsigned val forId: UInt, val packedResult: UByteArray) : Block()
data class Error(val forId: UInt, val code: String, val text: String? = null, val extra: UByteArray? = null) :
data class Error(@Unsigned val forId: UInt, val code: String, val text: String? = null, val extra: UByteArray? = null) :
Block() {
val message by lazy { text ?: "remote exception: $code" }
@ -98,7 +104,8 @@ class Transport<S>(
var isClosed: Boolean = false
* Send a call block for a command and packed args and return packed result if it is not an error
* Send a call block for a command and packed args and return packed result if it is not an error. It suspends
* until receiving answer from the remote side, even if returns `Unit`.
* @throws RemoteInterface.RemoteException if the remote call caused an exception. Normally use [call] instead.
* @throws RemoteInterface.ClosedException
@ -111,6 +118,7 @@ class Transport<S>(
// We need to shield calls and lastID with mutex, but nothing more:
access.withLock {
if (isClosed) throw RemoteInterface.ClosedException()
// the order is important: first id in use MUST BE >= 1, not zero:
b = Block.Call(++lastId, name, packedArgs)
calls[b.id] = deferred
@ -131,6 +139,25 @@ class Transport<S>(
return deferred.await()
* Send a call block for a command and packed args and return packed result if it is not an error. It suspends
* until receiving answer from the remote side, even if returns `Unit`.
* @throws RemoteInterface.RemoteException if the remote call caused an exception. Normally use [call] instead.
* @throws RemoteInterface.ClosedException
private suspend fun sendPushBlock(name: String, packedArgs: UByteArray) {
if (isClosed) throw RemoteInterface.ClosedException()
// All push blocks have the same id == 0:
val b = Block.Call(0u, name, packedArgs)
val r = runCatching { device.output.send(pack(b).also { debug { ">>$\n${it.toDump()}" } }) }
when(val e = r.exceptionOrNull()) {
is RemoteInterface.ClosedException, is CancellationException, is RemoteInterface.RemoteException
-> throw e
else -> throw RemoteInterface.ClosedException()
* Call the remote procedure with specified args and return its result
@ -139,6 +166,10 @@ class Transport<S>(
return unpack(cmd.resultSerializer, result)
override suspend fun <A>push(cmd: Command<A,Unit>,args: A) {
sendPushBlock(cmd.name, pack(cmd.argsSerializer, args))
* Start running the transport. This function suspends until the transport is closed
* normally or by error. If you need to cancel it prematurely, cancel the coroutine
@ -176,6 +207,10 @@ class Transport<S>(
is Block.Call -> launch {
try {
if (b.id == 0u)
// Command does not waits return
localInterface.execute(commandContext, b.name, b.packedArgs)
@ -205,17 +240,14 @@ class Transport<S>(
} catch (_: ClosedReceiveChannelException) {
info { "closed receive channel" }
isClosed = true
catch(cce: LocalInterface.BreakConnectionException) {
} catch (cce: LocalInterface.BreakConnectionException) {
info { "closing connection by local request ($cce)" }
catch(t: RemoteInterface.ClosedException) {
} catch (t: RemoteInterface.ClosedException) {
// it is ok: we just exit the coroutine normally
// and mark we're closing
isClosed = true
catch (_: CancellationException) {
} catch (_: CancellationException) {
info { "loop is cancelled with CancellationException" }
isClosed = true
} catch (t: Throwable) {
@ -243,8 +275,7 @@ class Transport<S>(
private suspend fun send(block: Block) {
try {
catch(_: ClosedSendChannelException) {
} catch (_: ClosedSendChannelException) {
throw RemoteInterface.ClosedException()
@ -11,46 +11,3 @@ data class NetworkAddress(
return "$host:$port"
// * Multiplatform datagram abstraction
// */
//interface Datagram {
// /**
// * Received message
// */
// val message: UByteArray
// /**
// * Address from where the message was sent
// */
// val address: NetworkAddress
//interface DatagramConnector: AutoCloseable {
// val incoming: ReceiveChannel<Datagram>
// suspend fun send(message: UByteArray, networkAddress: NetworkAddress)
// @Suppress("unused")
// suspend fun send(message: UByteArray, datagramAddress: String) {
// send(message, datagramAddress.toNetworkAddress())
// }
// suspend fun send(message: UByteArray,host: String,port: Int) =
// send(message, NetworkAddress(host,port))
// override fun close()
//expect fun NetworkAddress(host: String,port: Int): NetworkAddress
//fun String.toNetworkAddress() : NetworkAddress {
// val (host, port) = this.split(":").map { it.trim()}
// return NetworkAddress(host, port.toInt())
//expect fun acceptTcpDevice(port: Int): Flow<InetTransportDevice>
//expect suspend fun connectTcpDevice(address: NetworkAddress): InetTransportDevice
//suspend fun connectTcpDevice(address: String) = connectTcpDevice(address.toNetworkAddress())
@ -184,10 +184,16 @@ class TransportTest {
val cmdRemoteExceptionTest by command<Unit, String>()
val cmdBreak by command<Unit, Unit>()
val cmdPushServer by push<String>()
val pushedFromServer = CompletableDeferred<String>()
val serverInterface = KiloInterface<String>().apply {
on(cmdPing) {
"pong! [$it]"
on(cmdPushServer) {
on(cmdGetToken) {
@ -249,11 +255,17 @@ class TransportTest {
assertEquals("client pong: foo", kiloServerConnection.call(cmdPing, "foo"))
assertEquals("server push: bar", kiloServerConnection.call(cmdPush, "bar"))
client.push(cmdPushServer, "42")
assertEquals("**-s1-c1-s2-c2", client.call(cmdChainCallServer1, "**"))
assertThrows<TestException> { client.call(cmdException) }
assertEquals("ok: te-local", client.call(cmdRemoteExceptionTest))
// wait for push to be received and check
assertEquals("42", pushedFromServer.await())
assertThrows<RemoteInterface.ClosedException> {
@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.Mutex
import kotlinx.coroutines.sync.withLock
import kotlinx.datetime.Clock
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.AsyncVarint
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.KiloClient
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.KiloServer
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.LocalInterface
import net.sergeych.mp_logger.*
import net.sergeych.mp_tools.globalLaunch
@ -27,6 +29,10 @@ class ProtocolException(text: String, cause: Throwable? = null) : RuntimeExcepti
const val MAX_TCP_BLOCK_SIZE = 16776216
val PING_INACTIVITY_TIME = 30.seconds
* Listen for incoming TCP/IP connections on all local interfaces and the specified [port]
* anc create flow of [InetTransportDevice] suitable for [KiloClient].
fun acceptTcpDevice(port: Int): Flow<InetTransportDevice> {
val selectorManager = SelectorManager(Dispatchers.IO)
val serverSocket = aSocket(selectorManager).tcp().bind("", port)
@ -41,12 +47,19 @@ fun acceptTcpDevice(port: Int): Flow<InetTransportDevice> {
suspend fun connectTcpDevice(address: String) = connectTcpDevice(address.toNetworkAddress())
* Connect to the TCP/IP server (see [KiloServer]) at the specified address and provide th compatible
* [InetTransportDevice] to use with [KiloClient].
suspend fun connectTcpDevice(address: NetworkAddress): InetTransportDevice {
val selectorManager = SelectorManager(Dispatchers.IO)
val socket = aSocket(selectorManager).tcp().connect(address.host, address.port)
return inetTransportDevice(socket)
* Parse `host:port` string into the [NetworkAddress]
fun String.toNetworkAddress(): NetworkAddress {
val (host, port) = this.split(":").map { it.trim() }
return NetworkAddress(host, port.toInt())
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import kotlinx.coroutines.delay
import kotlinx.coroutines.test.runTest
import net.sergeych.crypto2.initCrypto
import net.sergeych.kiloparsec.*
@ -47,9 +46,9 @@ val cmdException by command<Unit, Unit>()
val client = KiloClient<Unit>() {
// TODO: add register error variant
connect { connectTcpDevice("localhost:$port") }
assertEquals("start", client.call(cmdLoad))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user